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Yui Hirasawa                    



Yui Hirasawa is the main character of the series K-On!. She is the air-headed lead guitarist and vocalist of the light music club.


Yui is a girl who's easily distracted by cute things. She's a crybaby but cheers up easily if she gets some sweets. She eats a lot of sweets but she does not gain any weight as she herself says. In many ways some may say she's a child, and making sure she practices is a problem. When Yui takes good care of something she sleeps with it. When she wants to remember something she forgets everything else. Yui's energy seems to come from cake. She is a clumsy, scatterbrained but optimistic and kind-hearted girl.


  • Yui has a habit of naming and talking to inanimate objects as if they were people, a trend that gradually includes her bandmates and their instruments. She is especially fond of her guitar, which she calls "Gīta" (ギー太). Yui later names Mio's bass "Elizabeth" without permission, which annoys Mio (at first). Afterwards, Azusa considers naming her own guitar "Muttan."